Endless Possibilities

Endless Possibilities

Monday, June 7, 2010

Using Dropbox

If you're looking for a place to keep your files and access them from anywhere in the world then dropbox.com is the place you need to go. All you need to do is sign up for an account. It's free for basic storage and if you need more storage then you pay a fee. I use dropbox all the time because it is hassle free and I don't need to worry about carrying around a flash drive that I may lose. I also use it as a convenient way to back up my files. Basically you can use it for whatever your needs are. I personally put slideshows, video footage, pictures, and other important documents in my box. It has an RSS feed and you can share files with whomever you want.

So go install dropbox and start sharing. If you have any questions watch this youtube video:


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this. I had never heard of it before, but can see many excellent uses for it--grabbing a folder that I am working on that is on the school server and then being able to work on it at home. Yay!

  2. We turned a few of our teachers onto Drop Box and they LOVE it! Say they couldn't teach without it, since most teachers work on their stuff at home too! (IMAGINE THAT!)

  3. Joni, thanks for sharing yet another super useful web 2.0 tool. I started an account after you introduced it to me on Sunday at Panera. Sometimes you just don't have a storage card so I know this will come in handy :)

  4. Dropbox is a good application that some of our students are using.



Quote of the Month

Choice, not circumstances, determines your success

By: Author Unknown